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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yesterday, after I had done my homeworks which Mr Ying gave us, my mother asked me to accompany her to release 4 boxes of crickets at the nearby jogging track. After I had wored my slippers, we took the crickets down to the nearby jogging track.
We walked along the dark track as the lamp pole lights were off due to the electricity control board was tripped.
As we were walking, we finally found the hole leading to the grass field where we usually release the crickets. Once I stepped on the grass a "swosh" sound came out of nowhere. I was thinking that it was either a rat or snake as I cannot see as it was too dark.
Ok now, that's where the funny part begin: As I went back to the track with my mother walking toward the grass patch, she screamed suddenly as she got tangling into a spider's web. She tried sweeping her hair with her hands as she suspected a spider may land on her head. Then, I saw a yellow spider landed on the floor, it was about 2 cm long and 1 cm wide.The spider quickly ran into the grass. We continued walking further down, my mother stepped into the grass path again and she fell into another spider's web again that she quickly released the crickets.
When we reached home, she noticed that there were spider's webs on her hands and she quickly went to have a bath. When she came out from the toilet, she saw a spider's bite on her right arm. she was worried that she would get poison to death so she decided to stop thinking about it and quickly went to sleep. What an unlucky day for her and me, as she didn't die

4:45 AM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Today, two of my favourite friends came over for dinner. They are brothers. The 14th year old elder boy is named Jason and the 12th year old younger boy's name is Kelvin.
My mother cooked chicken wings, hot dogs and hamburger for our dinner. After dinner, my friends, my brother and I went to play games using the computer for about 20 minutes; then we continued our game 'Bingo'. The first round, I came in third and the second for the second game. At approximate 8:30pm, the two brother went home. We had an enjoyable evening.

6:49 AM

Yesterday, I was playing with my group of best friends dodge-ball at a void deck when my friend sprained my finger without intention. Firstly, he used a hard ball and threw it directly at my direction. As the force was too great; the ball hit my middle finger thus spraining it.

My finger hurt so badly that it lasted for about almost 7 hours.

I told myself to be careful when playing ball games next time.

5:52 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

My youngest baby brother is born on the 19th November 2007.

Now, he is already 9 month old. His favorite plaything is he loves to pluck out my mother's plant which was planted in a big red pot, placing in the living room.

The most funny incident was after he had his milk feed, my father carried him up and next moment, he puked onto my father's face.

Whenever, he sees me eating sweets, he will chase after me, in his little walker, for the candy. Then, I will let him taste

11:53 PM


Name:Marcus Khor

School:Concord Primary School


Age:9years old

DateOfBirth : 6th FEB 1999


favourite sports:Soccer and basketball

favourite songs: English And Chinese Songs



Matthias Xue Kai Ying Li link


& July 2008
& August 2008




Don't reeemove the credits! (: Thanks-

@ designer
- image
- fonts
- brushes
- basic html base